Department for Education (DfE) Special Educational Needs Section – provides a wide range of information, advice and materials for teachers, parents and others caring for or working with disabled children and young people or those with SEN in England.
SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years – DfE guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.
NASEN guide to the SEN Code of Practice for 0 to 25 years – National Association for SEN advice on the new Code of Practice to be implemented from September 2014.
Greater depth
Advanced Training Materials – DfE e-learning designed for those with a secure basic understanding of SEND to further develop their understanding of autism, dyslexia, speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) and moderate learning difficulties (MLD).
Training for Teaching SEND Students – DfE training materials to support the continuing professional development of the teachers of learners with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties and disabilities.
Autism resources
Autism Education Trust – resources for teachers.
Autism Competency Framework – an autism competency framework for people working with pupils from ages 5-16 from the Autism Education Trust.
British Dyslexia Association – information for educators on identification and how to support learners with dyslexia.
Teaching for Neurodiversity Webinars – training and information about dyslexia and other SpLDs for teachers and support staff, dyslexic individuals and their families (BDA, Dyspraxia Foundation, Dyslexia Action, Helen Arkell, MMU and PATOSS).
British Dyslexia Association YouTube – a series of teaching videos.
BDA New Technologies Committee – for information about the use of IT in education.
Mental health
Nip in the Bud – a series of short films and information explaining ADHD, anxiety, conduct disorders, depression, OCD and PTSD in children.
Speech, language and communication needs
The Communication Trust - initial teacher education resources.
Additional resources guide for children with Special Educational Needs – overview of entitlements due for pupils with SEND.
National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) – Nasen is the leading organisation in the UK promoting the education, training, advancement and development of all those with special and additional support needs.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation report – exploring the links between special educational needs and disability (SEND) and poverty.